Watch PDB50 Celebrations
Throughout 2021, RCSB PDB and the wwPDB celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the PDB. Symposia were held (virtually) around the world, highlighting high-impact applications of protein structural data.
Many videos of these presentations are available online: PDB50 meeting hosted by ASBMB in May; the Biophysical Society-hosted symposium in October; and the Protein Data Bank at 50: Accessing, Understanding, and Assessing PDB Data workshops hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group in November (day 1 and day 2).
- Inaugural event: A special symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Protein Data Bank (with ASBMB)
- ACA Transactions Symposium 2021: Function Follows Form: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Protein Data Bank
- Biophysical Society Celebrates 50 Years of the PDB
- Celebrating PDB Contributions from Rutgers University Structural Biologists
- Truth Sometimes Triumphs: A History of Structural Enzymology Rutgers Institute of Quantitative Biomedicine PDB50 Lecture by Greg Petsco
- Protein Data Bank at 50: Accessing, Understanding, and Assessing PDB Data hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group (day 1 and day 2)
Visit for the archive of all PDB50 celebration materials.