PDB and RCSB PDB: Did You Know?
Learn about what the PDB archive contains and the resources that RCSB PDB develops to enable breakthroughs in scientific inquiry, medicine, drug discover, technology, and education in the State of the RCSB PDB (PDF). This annual report for 2016 provides an overview of data deposition and annotation, data access, query and reporting, and outreach and education activities.
Learn about what the PDB archive contains and the resources that RCSB PDB develops to enable breakthroughs in scientific inquiry, medicine, drug discover, technology, and education.
On the Front Cover: Insulin Action by David S. Goodsell. The paining depicts a 190 nanometer section of a human cell. The hormone insulin (yellow) is shown binding to the insulin receptor (green) thus activating a signaling cascade leading to glucose (white) being transported inside the cells to be used as energy, or to be stored as glycogen (purple). A new poster Insulin and Diabetes built around the painting can be downloaded at
This bulletin is the most recent edition of RCSB PDB’s Annual Report, which has provided regular snapshot of RCSB PDB activities and the state of the PDB archive.