Latest Website Release

Sequence diagram for PDB ID 3BMV. It shows the corresponding UniProt sequence, the SEQRES and ATOM records as well as various annotations that are available.
New and enhanced features have been added to the RCSB PDB website, including:
* Domain-based Structural Alignments. The 3D Similarity tab provides pre-calculated systematic structure comparisons for all PDB proteins. The new version of this feature provides domain-based protein structure alignments instead of chain-based alignments.
* Improved Search Options. New features include the highlighting of search terms in the results list; SMILES string search options enabled from the top bar; an Advanced Search option to search LINK records to find structures containing interresidue connectivity; and improved mapping between UniProtKB ID and EC number.
* Enhanced Ligand Summary Reports. Ligand Summary Reports include information about selected ligands such as formula, molecular weight, name, SMILES string, which PDB entries are related to the ligand, and how they are related. For each ligand included in the report, a sub-table can be selected to show lists of all related PDB entries that contain the ligand, the entries that contain the ligand as a free ligand, and entries that contain the ligand as part of a larger, polymeric ligand.
To generate a report, select the Ligand Hits tab followed by the summary report option from the Generate Reports pull-down menu.
The What's New page has complete descriptions of all new features.